Nokulunga (Nox) Zondi
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Nox Eats
Industry: Baking
Location: Pietermaritzburg
Total Required: R20000
About Nox Eats
What I am currently doing with my small business
A collection of my journey through the world of baking and confectionery. I am Nokulunga, a passionate baker and connoisseur of all things sweet and savory. This portfolio is a showcase of my dedication to the art of baking, where every creation is a testament to my commitment to flavor, technique, and innovation.
If I acquired funding this is how I would expand my small business
Expanding my bakery business offers various advantages, including increased revenue and market diversification. It will enhance brand recognition, bring economies of scale, and creates room for new opportunities and innovation. Cross-promotion, competitive advantage, and employment opportunities.
How will funding impact my small business
Funding my small bakery business with growth opportunities will aid in expansion, upgrading equipment, and innovating products.. Enhanced quality, financial stability. Efficient operations, market reach, and entrepreneurial confidence flourish, ensuring sustainability.